segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008


Quero que façam já o Matrix 4. Mas substituam o Keanu Reeves por este actor. Reparem na destreza com que se movimenta. Na graciosidade da sua musculatura. Na beleza do seu bailado. Se fosse português amanhã a árvore de natal do Parque Eduardo VII seria substituída por uma fotografia sua.

Um homem. Um herói. A imagem do ano.

4 comentários:

Joana Godinho disse...


eu acho é que o jornalista podia era ter feito umas aulas antes de aprender a jogar a malha.

assim tinha acertado no alvo e nós tinhamos nos rido um bocadinho.

nao posso deixar de dizer que o bush de facto estava a olhar para o que estava a fazer.

Joana Godinho disse...

Aproveito o seu blog para deixar o seguinte comunicado.

Nos EUA a primeira emenda dita que toda a gente dentro deste país (de falsos moralistas) tem liberdade de expressão.

Numa das aulas de jornalismo, ouvi uma aluna comentar que os europeus estavam numb em frente a um ecra de tv, e que os americanos (nao na america) trabalhavam mais que os europeus.

Aqui fica a critica que eu dei aos meus coleguinhas, por escrito.

As a European scholar I see a big bridge between Europe and the USA.

For a long time, I used to listen how good it was working in America, the land where opportunities come from. In fact, it triggered my interested on studying/working abroad.

I think if I am here today, is due to your social escalator, the idea if you work hard you go from the bottom to the top.

When I came here and started to deal with this new culture I felt exposed to the culture shock – people, culture, places spread out, food, and so on in a very big list.

In the very beginning I used to log on through the web to see live Portuguese TV. I enjoy see some Portuguese theater even that is not so appealing when broadcasted. Because I like body language and in theater is a good way/form to get acquainted with it. I truly admire our actors. Because of the jet lag I was forced to quit that idea. For more than a year I lost contact as an option.
Then I decided to log on to your broadcasting TV’s, and started to see anchors that leave their ethic manual in the drawer, panels (people) invited to discuss a two ways interaction, but only worked in one way, hundreds of broadcasted news that doesn’t have interest to anyone, repetitive news… and we could continue for a long run without hitting home as in a baseball game.
The most funny is that nobody does anything about it. In Portugal we have a press comity. When you become a journalist you have to register your name. Imagine that your name is MARIA JOANA and there is already a journalist with that name, or you came up with another one or they will call you MARIA JOANA I. Why is that. Well, if something goes wrong they will check up on you and make you responsible for what you wrote. One day I wrote a different name as a source, next day someone was calling me.
Media in America is a big circus. I use the following analogy. Is the same thing if you go to the East Coast to meet Manhattan in a tour bus, ok. But, instead of going on the lower level, you pick the deck for sightseeing. But, instead being sat on your seat, you get up. You want to see it all. What happens? You will get hit by the tree branches without even seeing it. That is how I see broadcasting news in America. You get the third branch slapping your face without knowing what hit you in first place.
My idea from America changed. Around me I saw Americans without any pleasure for reading and very addicted on TV. Children came back from school with mistakes on their homework – plenty of misspelled words with no correction. In case of mistake the teacher only asks them to sound it loud, but leaves the mistake on the paper leading it to happen over and over again. The memory of a 6, 7 or 8 year old is short.
One of the side effects that I had living in this country is that I lost touch with the rest of the world. In America everything is about their belly button. Your everyday is all about America. When you log on the TV you only see things about America, but they don’t inform you quite well.
For the other side, in Portugal, a country I can well speak as a native, we do see TV but we are not glued as Americans are. We don’t have any concept of couch potato as you have here. Our broadcasting TV’s are not like yours. If you go to a living room at a meal time in an European home, which it is usually around 8 or 9pm. Yes, we do have dinner that late. We like to enjoy our culture through our gastronomy. We sat down and turn the TV which will broadcast the news of the day. But, it doesn’t have the glue effect. We listen to the most important news and discuss it. Portuguese broadcasting tv’s speak about is going on all around the world, because we do have international coverage – NORTH AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA, EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, even about the MOON. Because the world is not all about Portugal or nuestros hermanos - the Spaniards. The world is the entire globe.
They spend a specific time broadcasting news about our country in particular – society, books, health, education, politics, and so on.
Inside of our homes, we chew on the news. We just don’t accept it like it is told. We try to find the advantages or disadvantages of a political decision and what’s the impact on the society.
More, we complement what we see with what we had read on the newspapers. I think European people have a more strong background of what is happening in the world rather than American citizens. For sure, it is easier to turn on the TV while we are making dinner rather than sat over the coach and start to read the newspaper. Well, but that’s technology all about.
In Minneapolis the bridge fell down back in 2007. Lots of people died. Portugal and other countries in Europe broadcasted to their citizens what happened. And Minneapolis is a very small city in the US, it is a not a major one. For the other hand, in Portugal, back in 2004 the bridge fell down in one of our cities, killed dozens of families. An entire school bus was swollen by the river. Some corps was never found. European tvs broadcasted and countries did send help to our country to help us find those. However, in America I bet this news never went through in your screens, for sure you were too busy broadcasting something repetitive.
I am aware that at your eyes, Portugal is a country without any special meaning. It’s a small country. It is nor Germany or France. But, even that it was, you would not broadcast. The only way your tv’s broadcast something rather than your belly button is if something serious happen – for instance the Mumbai attack on India.
However, as I listen in the last class, you have access to some studies and books that say that European are numb in front of a TV. Well, that reminds me of the Exorcist movie where the doll spins around her head. It does happen on the screen, but it is not true. Same with the books that say European TV viewers are numb. If you ever think so, do a favor to yourselves and purchase an airfare to anywhere in Europe. Then we can have a talk face to face. One thing is what you read, another is what you live. I know what I am talking about. Because I used to put AMERICA on top, today I see it differently.
We do use TV as a technology to keep in touch with the world. But, we don’t babysit our kids in front of a TV. Our cartoons are ok.
Everything that happens in the world for good or for bad comes from the USA. People all around the world come to live in a land of opportunities; the land where you have freedom of speech, and you can do or say wherever. A lot of the world events take place, because there is a country called USA that influences it in somehow. For instance – financial crisis, yellow journalism.
The way you broadcast your news it’s a way to achieve a large audience. It is all about the money – advertisement. Other tv’s copied the model. That’s how junk tv got into Europe. Guess what? People liked it. All this yellow journalism, reality shows came from here. Because, in first place we only had government tv’s that had good programs, and we still do. We do preserve our culture through programs. We try that 30% of the music to be Portuguese instead of this Britney Spears and Hanna Montana’s 24/7, 60% of the news has to be from our society, we do have rules for it – we call it public service.
I am guessing that you don’t have what we call a public service because everything it is out there it is already about you America.
So, how are we solving our TV problem? I see that Americans speak about the problem. But, in Portugal and in other major countries in Europe we do speak and we do something about. In Portugal in order to prevent children to be exposed to violence on TV, the authorities that regulate the TV and the programs labeled all of them through a sign in the upper right corner of the tv screen. If an anchor broadcast news about something and it has a violent content, he will say it before the news goes to the air to remove children out of the screen. In fact, all those contents only are broadcasted in the second part. Therefore we have time to remove our children in front of a screen. We have an option. Also, our TV magazines show a weekly schedule of the kind of programs we will have.
We are doing something about it. At the same point, we have special programs on TV that speak about the news books that came out in the everyday. We do create programs in school, incentivize kids to read.
Dr. Sochay the botton line is that my experience in your culture, which is not my culture, is that America realized a long time ago what is happening. However, in this country nothing is normal. It’s a country of excesses. It is 8 or 80. In some families there are some measures about it like a tv time limit. Others don’t. I think technology is a good thing, and like anything in life it has to be used properly. America is not doing anything about it. They are just speaking about it. Words more than actions. You are not creating conditions to make books as an important role in your culture.
I used to think that PORTUGUESE TV was bad, but that is just tickles compared to what I see in this country, and I can clearly see where it came from.
Regarding into the MA PROGRAM I think we read more out of college than inside of it. I think what the program offers us to read it is interesting, whatever we do in our communication will have another background. For instance, all what Professor Phil taught in the class, made me think. That all process of self disclosure it was an interesting chapter. In my following acquaintances I will have some careful when I decide to open my mouth. I am a self disclosure itself despite I don’t reveal that in my classes. I tell whatever I think without using a filter. So, I soak a lot of what I read and I digest it. However, English is my second language, so I kind of take time to read it, I don’t have so much as a leisure time to do some extra reading as I would like to.
I heard in the class that Europeans are numb in front of a TV, and I do accept your opinion. This was my opinion. The words of an European that lives in the USA in the last two years, which used to like to watch TV in her home country, and now can spend a week without switching it on.

Depois disto, aguardo um bilhete de volta para Portugal.

Diga me Francisco de sua justiça

Já sei, passei me.

Anónimo disse...

Que pena não ter acertado!
Não fosse o Bush um "bom" cowboy, a esta altura estava com alguns pontos na testa...
Enfim, não se pode ter tudo.
Sofia SC

Anónimo disse...

Também quero que façam o Matrix 4, mas por favor não substituam o Keanu Reeves, deixem-no estar que está muito bem! :-)

Nunca vi ninguém ter reflexos tão bons como o Bush nesta cena.
